Client Goal: Dave wanted to go solar for both environmental and financial reasons. He wanted to provide a positive impact on the planet while saving money by producing his own clean energy. He also wanted a system that utilized high performance components and online monitoring.
Design Considerations: The site was perfect for solar production with no shade obstacles and the initial thought was a pole-mounted system 100 feet away from their home and out of view. After surveying the site and noticing the truck sized rocks through out the property, the south facing shop roof was chosen instead. Because the roof had an existing stovepipe to work around, we decided to locate the solar array as far right on the roof as possible to avoid any shading and soot from the stove pipe.
Final Outcome: Dave is enjoying his solar electric system through energy savings and by watching the production values through the online monitoring provided. Besides showing real time power production data, the online monitoring also gives Dave a platform to make sense of the environmental and financial benefits of the energy he produces. His home is also the first and only solar powered home in the neighborhood.

Buena Vista – 4.7 Kw Solar Double Pole Mount
High performance grid tied with battery backup solar electric system.

Salida – 3.1 Kw Solar Pole Mount
Bill was interested in a grid tied energy system.

Howard – 5 Kw Solar Roof Mount
Reduce electric bills with a 5kw solar electric system.